The Theatre of the Senses


It is on this natural stage, in the heart of the Douro Valley, where the terraces of vines sweep up the valley sides, a diversity of trees grow and animals of every kind live. It is also here that for centuries the great accomplishments of the Douro, appreciated by the most demanding audiences, have been created.


It is on this natural stage, in the heart of the Douro Valley, where the terraces of vines sweep up the valley sides, a diversity of trees grow and animals of every kind live. It is also here that for centuries the great accomplishments of the Douro, appreciated by the most demanding audiences, have been created.


You can hear the silence… the time slowly passing by while the sun, unhurriedly, sweetens our grapes. This silence is one of Quinta de Ventozelo’s most precious intangible assets.


The unsuspecting freshness of our white wines.
The hidden delicateness of our red wines.
The perfected sweetness of the fruit,
and the smooth texture of the olive oil,
soaking into hot bread.


The unsuspecting freshness of our white wines.
The hidden delicateness of our red wines.
The perfected sweetness of the fruit,
and the smooth texture of the olive oil,
soaking into hot bread.


The Estate’s distilled aromas.
400 hectares with a diversity of altitudes and sun exposure – fertile ground for the imagination. Creating a GIN with Douro Valley roots is no longer just an idea.


Everything that you see
is not just the work of nature.
It could not be.
It is created with the soul,
by all those who live
and labour on this Estate.


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